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Mongabay.com, Rhett Butler

Rhett Butler, founder of the top environmental website Mongabay.com, reveals how he and the site have helped to raise interest in and appreciation of wild lands and wildlife. He tells “The WildLife” host Laurel Neme about what prompted him to develop this site and also some of the most interesting and bizarre stories he’s pursued. Rhett Butler is a writer and conservationist who founded Mongabay.com, a top environmental website focused on tropical rainforests; Tropical Conservation Science, an academic journal that aims to provide opportunities for scientists in developing countries to publish their research; and wildmadagascar.org, a site that highlights the spectacular cultural and biological richness of Madagascar.  Apart from his web sites, Rhett's writing has appeared in The Washington MonthlyYale Environment 360, BBC News, the Jakarta PostConservation Letters, GeoWorld, and Trends in Evolution & Ecology. In the course of his work Rhett has traveled widely in Africa, Latin America and Asia-Pacific. (First aired on May 10, 2010)

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