National Geographic: Good News for Animals in Nepal: A Full Year Without Poaching

  Bucking the worldwide trend, Nepal continues its successful fight against poaching.   Laurel Neme for National Geographic Published March 12, 2014 On World Wildlife Day, March 3, Nepal celebrated 365 days with zero poaching. No rhinos, tigers, or elephants were killed. It’s the second year of such success in Nepal. In 2011 the country also had…

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My NatGeo article on London Summit as turning point

I’m proud of my piece (below) on the London Summit as a possible turning point in the battle against wildlife crime. I’ve been getting great feedback on it, and already it has over 13,000 Facebook shares/likes. Best part is the results of the conference. The final Declaration is stunning in moving the fight against trafficking…

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National Geographic: London Summit Intensifies Battle Against Wildlife Crime

  World leaders pledge new commitment to fighting the illegal animal trade.   Laurel Neme for National Geographic Published February 12, 2014 Bringing together heads of state and government ministers from 50 countries, Thursday’s high-level summit on illegal wildlife trade may represent a turning point in the fight against wildlife crime. The London summit—hosted by the…

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National Geographic: New WildLeaks Website Invites Whistle-Blowers on Wildlife Crime

      WildLeaks gives whistle-blowers a way to anonymously finger wildlife criminals.   Laurel Neme for National Geographic Published February 10, 2014 Wildlife trafficking crimes often go undetected and unchallenged, even though they threaten many endangered species, including elephants, rhinos, and pangolins. Similarly, trade in illegally logged timber continues unabated, destroying forests and wildlife habitat.…

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Los Angeles Times: Terrorism and the Ivory Trade (OpEd)

The Shabab, which took responsibility for the deadly Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi, uses proceeds from ivory to fund its terrorist operations. By Laurel Neme, Andrea Crosta and Nir Kalron October 14, 2013 If the world needs another reason to get serious about combating elephant poaching, here’s one: The attack by terrorists on Westgate Mall…

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Elephant musings and articles

Elephants are getting more and more attention. From Obama’s call for action to Hillary Clinton today announcing her focus on them. The more I learn about these fascinating creatures, the more I want to know. But I admit that the more I know, the more disheartened I am by the poaching crisis currently going on.…

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Poaching incident and rapid response in Botswana

You know it’s bad when….I find it extremely hard to believe that poaching has extended to Botswana, where I spent almost a couple years doing my dissertation research. During the week of May 17th, 5 elephants were found killed with trunks and tusks cut off (likely with a power saw). They were ambushed on a…

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National Geographic: A Powerful Weapon Against Ivory Smugglers: DNA Testing

 Posted by Laurel Neme in A Voice for Elephants on May 23, 2013     Hong Kong Customs seized 113 ivory tusks in a cargo shipment at Hong Kong International Airport on April 30 this year. Officers detected the ivory when they X-rayed a consignment labeled “spare parts” being shipped from Burundi, Africa to Singapore via Hong Kong. DNA analysis…

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